VIP Campaign

Very Important partner campaign graphic

Easterseals NH & VT Very Important Partners

Every year, Easterseals NH & VT Very Important Partners (VIPartners) rally friends, family, and colleagues to fundraise for Easterseals programs that support more than 18,000 individuals and their families. It’s a wave of giving that gets bigger with each person who joins our campaign.

Donors can give to one of the many VIP teams and choose to support a specific program or give an unrestricted donation for Easterseals NH & VT greatest needs.

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Ways to be a VIPartner

The more you pass on your passion for giving, the greater the impact, and the more we can do for the people who depend on Easterseals NH & VT.


Create a personalized VIP fundraising page. It only takes minutes!


Encourage everyone you know to visit your VIP fundraising page. Friends, family, co-workers, neighbors – the list is longer than you think. We’ve included a toolkit below that you can personalize to make outreach easy!


Consider a workplace campaign to encourage your employees to become VIPartners as well. It’s easy to become a payroll donation partner. For more information, email Erin at [email protected].


Share your “why” with everyone you know – why you support Easterseals NH & VT, and why others should too. Then tell them to visit your VIP fundraising page.


Donate directly to the VIPartner Campaign. With VIPartner giving, there’s flexibility to give to a particular program or make an unrestricted gift that can be applied where the need is greatest.

VIP Toolkit

Easterseals NH staff group photo at the 2023 VIP Campaign Wrap-up

For more information, questions or assistance,
contact Erin Schaick, Director of Events & Corporate Relations.